Friday, February 13, 2009



Single mother, Nadya Suleman-33yrs, checked into the hospital in the 23rd week of her pregnancy. On 26 Jan 2009, she was in her 30th week when she gave birth to the six boys and two girls, weighing between 680 grams and 1.4 kilograms. In total, she had been carrying almost 11 kilograms of baby weight before the delivery.
It took a team of 46 doctors and nurses five minutes to deliver the nature-defying brood via Caesarean section – with the eighth taking everyone in the maternity ward by surprise. The medical team took up four delivery rooms and conducted a relay race to get the babies from the mother and into the care of nurses as they popped out.
The babies' names in birth order are Noah, Maliah, Isaiah, Nariah, Makai, Josiah, Jeremiah & Jonah. Maliah & Nariah are female.
The octuplets will probably remain in hospital for at least another two months.
She already had six children by IVF, used a fertility doctor to give birth to her babies. All 14 children were conceived after sperm donation by the same friend and she used the same doctor for all of her IVF treatment. The director of the fertility programme said that the children could face serious health risks, including breathing problems and neurological damage.
“It’s a risky decision to try to have all eight babies, I would not recommend it under any circumstances, but I respect a parent’s decision.”
Much of the anger surrounds the eight babies' conception by IVF.

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