Wednesday, June 16, 2010


.The islands of Micronesia are distant, remote, and primitive. The huge area covers 5 time zones. Micronesian islanders don’t perceive themselves as being one group. For a further explanation of the difference between the region of the Pacific called Micronesia, and the nation of the Federated States of Micronesia. The Micronesian island area consists of eight nations or territories


Thursday, June 3, 2010


Sheyla Hershey of Brazil
Hershey's breasts were 34 FFF after eight surgeries and one gallon of silicone. But she wasn't done yet. On her way to achieving her dream, she encountered certain roadblocks, like Texas law. The state limits the amount of silicone that one person put in their body because the implants could kill her. So she headed to Brazil, which has no such restrictions, and walked away with the breasts of her dreams.