Wednesday, June 16, 2010


.The islands of Micronesia are distant, remote, and primitive. The huge area covers 5 time zones. Micronesian islanders don’t perceive themselves as being one group. For a further explanation of the difference between the region of the Pacific called Micronesia, and the nation of the Federated States of Micronesia. The Micronesian island area consists of eight nations or territories


Thursday, June 3, 2010


Sheyla Hershey of Brazil
Hershey's breasts were 34 FFF after eight surgeries and one gallon of silicone. But she wasn't done yet. On her way to achieving her dream, she encountered certain roadblocks, like Texas law. The state limits the amount of silicone that one person put in their body because the implants could kill her. So she headed to Brazil, which has no such restrictions, and walked away with the breasts of her dreams.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Prahlad Jani

Ahmedabad, Gurjarat - INDIA
Mr Jani claims to have left home aged seven and lived as a wandering sadhu or holy man in Rajasthan, is regarded as a 'breatharian' who can live on a 'spiritual life-force' alone. He believes he is sustained by a goddess who pours an 'elixir' through a hole in his palate. His claims have been supported by an Indian doctor who specializes in studies of people who claim supernatural abilities. He has not eaten or drunk any fluids in six days, and similarly has not passed urine or a stool in that time. He remains fit and healthy and shows no sign of lethargy. Doctors will continue observing him for 15 days in which time they would expect to see some muscle wastage, serious dehydration, weight loss,and fatigue followed by organ failure. Indian military scientists are studying an 82-year-old who claims he has not had any food or drink for 70 years.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Canada goose

A Canada goose near Kettlecreek in Toms River - New Jersey, with a hunting arrow stuck in its body. The state Division of Fish and Wildlife captured the goose, removed the arrow, and the goose recovered. The goose was released back into the wild April 19, 2010

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Foreign Accent Syndrome - FAS

Plymouth, Devon - UK
Sarah Colwill, 35
Sarah Colwill now speaks with a Chinese accent - after suffer from migraines. The disturbing impact of a chronic migraine has left her voice unrecognisable to family and friends. Doctors say she has Foreign Accent Syndrome, a condition which damages the part of the brain that controls speech and word formation. The IT project manager, who was born in Germany but has lived in Plymouth since she was a child and have never been to China. It is so rare, there are only 60 recorded cases in the world.

New WiFi Adapter

12 April 2010
Rosak - bought 16 July 08
RM 30

Monday, April 5, 2010

Tin Can Tycoon

Skellefteå - SWEDEN
Millionaire Curt Degerman
He was a common sight on the streets of the Swedish coastal town where he was dismissed as little more than a bad-smelling eccentric. For 40 years he spent his days touring the bins on an old bicycle stuffing the containers he collected into bags tied between the handlebars. But after he died of a heart attack aged 60, it emerged that through shrewd investment he had turned the modest deposits earned from returning the empty cans into a fortune estimated at more than £1.1 million. Relatives discovered he had left behind a portfolio of stocks and shares worth at least £731,000 in a Swiss bank account and a safety deposit box containing 124 gold bars valued at £250,000. He also had nearly £4,300 in a local current account and £275 of loose change at his home. He was a financial genius who used the money he earned from collecting scrap metal from rubbish bins to trade on the international markets. He never spent any money and ate leftovers from the bins of fast food restaurants, made his investments after a life time spent studying Swedish newspapers. Clothed in torn trousers and a filthy blue anorak, he would pore over the financial pages of the dailies displayed in the town's public library. He went to the library every day because he didn't buy newspapers. He knew the stock market inside out.
Mr Degerman made a will leaving his entire fortune to the cousin, who visited him regularly in the months before his death. But when the full extent of the estate emerged the will was contested by another cousin who believed his father, Mr Degerman's uncle was entitled to it. Under Swedish inheritance law the uncle, whose name has not been made public, held the legal right to inherit his nephew's riches. A settlement between the two cousins was finally negotiated out of court this week. The pair have agreed to share the surprise fortune after being urged to make a private agreement by a magistrate at Skellefteå district court. Neither would reveal the details of the settlement but both said they were "satisfied" with the outcome.

Nine Legged Octopus

NOVOPUS now....

50 SEN


my 50sen
almost RM600 in the jar
2 years saving

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Broadband Malaysia

Malaysia planning of HIGH SPEED Broadband

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Water Wire

Penjaringan, Jakarta - INDONESIA
Hoses used to supply residences with water are seen hanging across a street at the Penjaringan subdistrict in Jakarta. Residents in the area say that they have had to construct makeshift water supplies for their homes by attaching hoses to pumps bought with their own money, as the government has yet to repair the original water supply which was damaged. .

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Elephant - For ALL

Gonarezhou National Park - ZIMBABWE
For us it is a saddening sight -
a magnificent bull elephant struck down in his old age
for the starving of Zimbabweans, it was little short of a miracle
It took just one hour and 47 minutes for the 13ft-tall elephant to be reduced to a skeleton. Every part was used for food, even the trunk and ears. Starving Zimbabweans grapple with each other as they set upon the elephant to get meat. The meat was taken back to homes. Some was eaten immediately but most was dried on washing lines and stored to eat later.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Thailand : Bloody 2010

Bangkok - THAILAND
Red Shirt supporters of Thaksin donate 10cc each of their blood
on March 16, 2010, at an anti-government rally in Bangkok, Thailand

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

MEXICO - Cereso prison beauty pageant

Cecilia Juarez, 22, incarcerated for drug trafficking, was crowned Miss Captive Beauty 2010 during a pageant for the women inmates at the Cereso prison in Juárez. Municipal authorities organized the pageant, dubbed "Belleza Cautiva," or captive beauty, as part of the International Day of the Woman. The jury chose the most beautiful inmate among 15 participants.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Samsung Corby

Samsung Corby
RM 640

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

irukandji jellyfish

irukandji jellyfish
SYDNEY: A sailor had an unlucky encounter with a deadly irukandji jellyfish in Australia’s northern waters after the tiny marine animal somehow hit him as he fished off a bulk carrier.The Central Queensland Helicopter Rescue Service said the jellyfish, which is the size of a small fingernail - may splashed on to him by a freak wave. The man was fishing from the deck of the carrier about 25 metres above the water level. The man was taken to a Queensland hospital but survived his encounter with with one of Australia’s most deadly marine stingers.There’s no antivenom for the irukandji’s sting and the pain may not be immediately felt, by which time symptoms have set in, including shooting muscle pain, vomiting, a rapid rise in blood pressure and occasionally heart failure.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Chopstick in the NoSe

Shandong , Beijing - CHINA
Li Jingchao , 14-month-old boy playing with chopstiks while his mother was in the kitchen washing dished , he fell and a chopstick pierced into his nose. Doctors had removed the chopstick from his brain on 7 Jan 2010. The toddler is now undergoing treatment at Bo Ai Hospital in Beijing for an infection caused by the life-threatening impalement.

Thursday, January 7, 2010


Siwalan Tegal village in Probolinggo, Indonesia's East Java
Geckos are dried at this province. In several Asian countries, the demand for dried geckos as a medicine is recently high as it is believed to have cured some diseases. A dried gecko can fetch 2000 rupiah (RM0.70) and a home can produce 1600 dried geckos a day.
Picture taken on December 17, 2009.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Ice Ball

Beach on the Baltic island of Öland off Sweden’s southeastern coast
The ice balls likely form when rolls of light snow are blown from the shore into water which is at or just below freezing, but fails to form uniform ice due to strong winds. The rolls of snow are then tossed about in the chilly waters, where wave action eventually shapes them into balls of ice. It is possible that rolls of snow near the shore remained soft due to warmth emanating up from the ground, which could have then been blown into the water by the strong winds.Once formed, the balls likely came back to shore and, rather than floating out to open water, remained there due to a change in sea conditions in the days before the ice balls were discovered.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Burj Dubai






4th January 2010

The Burj Dubai measures a lofty 628 metres-high. The Burj Dubai stands at 160 stories tall and is the tallest building in the world. Visitors can look out from the highest observation deck in the world on the 124th floor, visitors to experience a taste of the high life by ascending to the 124th floor in the longest lifts in the world which will take two minutes to travel 504 metres
The tower cost $1.5 billion