Sunday, September 27, 2009

Headscarf-ed Mannequins

Tehran – IRAN
Iranian police warned shopkeepers not to use mannequins without headscarves or which exposed body curves. Using unusual mannequins exposing the body curves and with the heads without Hijabs ( Tudung ) are prohibited to be used in the shops. Iranian police have stepped up a crackdown on both women and men, boutiques and small companies which fail to enforce strict religious dress codes.

Green Apple - Red Apple

Village of Colaton Raleigh, Devon - ENGLAND
Million to One.
Fruit grower Ken Morrish , 72, was left stunned when he found a golden delicious apple on his tree split exactly half green, half red down the middle. The fruit's striking colouring is thought to be caused by a random genetic mutation at odds of more than a million to one.

Biggest Baby

Medan , Indonesia

An Indonesian woman has given birth to an 8.7-kilogramme (19.2-pound) baby boy, delivered the child by C-section , the heaviest newborn ever recorded in the country. The baby boy is pictured here next to a baby of average size at a hospital. For those wondering if this baby boy is the heaviest newborn in history, the answer is no. The record belongs to an American infant born in 1879. He weighed 23 pounds, 12 ounces. Sadly, he died a few hours after being born.


Thursday, September 24, 2009

Dust Storms 2009 - Sydney & Queensland

23 Sept 2009
The vast dust clouds driven by violent storms that turned the skies of New South Wales and Queensland red. Weather forecasters are predicting another storm front for tomorrow, and warn that an emerging El Nino and land dehydrated by a decade of drought could produce a series of storms ripping topsoil from Australia's fragile interior. There have already been three large dust storms in the past three weeks in the region around South Australia's vast Lake Eyre - where much of yesterday's dust was generated - and last week clouds of granulated red earth were blown to New Zealand. The Bureau of Meteorology said this was one of the worst since the 1940s, when dust storms cloaked much of the continent's southeast and forced Adelaide to use street lighting in the middle of the day. NSW Environment Department measurements of particle pollution were 10 times the worst on record, at 4,164.

Smokey the Cat

22 Sep 09 - An Australian cat named Smokey survived 13 shots to the head from an air rifle and then found his way home. The nine-year-old moggy turned up on his owners' doorstep bleeding from his head last week, three days after he went missing from the family home in Maryborough, central Victoria. A medical examination revealed 13 pellets lodged in his head and face.

Monday, September 21, 2009

FOWL in the FLAT

Bukit Senjuang Flats - Jalan Bukit Senjuang , MELAKA

Yong Chin Teck , 40-year-old unemployed man transforming his flat into a poultry farm. Local councillors had a shock when they found him living with more than 50 chickens and ducks in his apartment on the second floor. Residents has complaining about the stench and noises coming from the man’s apartment. He did it once in 2006 but stopped following complaints made against him. He has been given two weeks to stop his poultry breeding and clean up his apartment. He decided to breed the chickens and ducks and sell them to villagers for Hari Raya. Each live bird was sold for RM10.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Tallest 2010 - Sultan Kosen

> A towering Turk was officially crowned the world's tallest man Thursday after his Ukrainian rival dropped out of the running by refusing to be measured. Guinness World Records said that 8 foot 1 inch (2.47 meter) Sultan Kosen, from the town of Mardin in eastern Turkey, is now officially the tallest man walking the planet. Although the previous record holder, Ukrainian Leonid Stadnyk, reportedly measured 8 feet 5.5 inches (2.57 meters), Guinness said he was stripped of his title when he declined to let anyone confirm his height.

BOB the Bull

Bachok - Kelantan
Malaysia’s biggest bull - standing 183cm , 1.5 tonnes
Bob, six-years-old , cannot find a mate that can withstand his frame, which is bigger than a mid-sized family saloon car. His owner tried to get him to mate twice, but both times, the cows died because their backs broke when he mounted them. Apart from sex, size presents other problems for Bob. The bull needed up to a minute to get up due to his weight.

Sunday, September 13, 2009