Sunday, March 29, 2009

N25 Bukit Selambau

History in Malaysia Election
BN ( Umno ) vs. PKR vs. 13 Independent candidates

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Dam Bursted

CIRENDEU, Indonesia
A dam burst outside Indonesia's capital sending a 10-foot-high wave of water crashing into a crowded neighborhood, killing at least 91 people and 100 missing. The decades-old dam, which burst at around 2 a.m. on 27th March 2009, following hours of torrential rain, completely flattened 300 houses and inundated at least 200 others.
The 32-foot-high (10-meter-high) dam, which was holding back around 70 million cubic feet (2 million cubic meters) of water at the Pesanggrahan river, was built up to a century ago, while Indonesia was still under Dutch colonial rule. Some said heavy rains caused the dam to first overflow and then, because the foundation was not made of concrete, to burst.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Ushika - Are you a cow ?

Yume Bokujyo, or Dream stock farm
Narita, east of Tokyo, Japan
A cow lookalike billy goat named "Ushika" is on display.
The name of the three-month old goat is translated from the Japanese "Are you a cow? "

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Mehul Kumar

Jharkand, India
Mehul Kumar , 6 years old
He was speared through the torso with a 6-foot iron rod, after he impaled himself falling off a terrace and onto a rod. The boy was fully conscious when he arrived at the hospital. Doctors removed the rod during a 4-hour operation and said he had lost a lot of blood and suffered some injuries, but "nothing major. Opening the abdomen, the liver was injured, the stomach was injured, but thankfully, the spleen and pancreas were safe.

100th posting

Glitter Text Generator

Glitter Text Generator

Friday, March 13, 2009

Sand Storm !!!

Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

A huge sandstorm engulfs on Tuesday, March 10, 2009.
The storm, which was still raging hours after it started,
disrupted flights at the city's King Khalid International airport,
with weather authorities announcing that visibility would drop to zero,
and warning residents to take precautionary measures.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Pink Dolphin

Louisiana - USA , inland lake

Pink Bottlenose dolphin
The world's only pink Bottlenose dolphin which was is actually an albino, when he began studying it after the mammal first surfaced in Lake Calcasieu, an inland saltwater estuary, north of the Gulf of Mexico in southwestern USA. The dolphin, which also has reddish eyes, swimming with a pod of four other dolphins, with one appearing to be its mother which never left its side. While this animal looks pink, it is an albino which you can notice in the pink eyes. Albinism is a genetic trait and it unclear as to the type of albinism this animal inherited. A close relation of dolphins, the Amazon River Botos, called pink dolphins, live in South America in the Amazon.