Sunday, December 27, 2009

2 Head Goat

Bukit Mertajam , Penang
Born in Kampung Pertama, Bukit Mertajam on 23 Dec 2009 afternoon .This double-headed goat died after living only three days.

Water Bridge

Magdeburg Water Bridge - Germany
Work started in 1997, opened in Oct 2003, costing €500 million. The water bridge connects Berlin’s inland harbour network with the ports along the Rhine river. The aqueduct's trough structure incorporates 24,000 tonnes of steel and 68,000 cubic meters of concrete. It is notable for being the longest navigable aqueduct in the world, with a length of 918 metres.

Monday, December 21, 2009


this obat cina is for " fa tam "
taken on 15 Dec 09
20 Dec 2009 morning
when i try to clear my nasal mucus
much much more than photo shown ( x 3 )

Friday, December 18, 2009

New Octopus Tool


An octopus that uses coconut shells as portable armor is the latest addition to a growing list of animals that use tools. The veined octopus (Amphioctopus marginatus) apparently can stack discarded coconut shell halves just as one might pile bowls, sits atop them, makes its eight arms rigid like stilts, and then moves the entire heap across the seafloor. These soft-bodied creatures perform this ungainly "stilt walking" to use the hard shells for shelter later when needed.
BRASILIA, Brazil – A 2-year-old Brazilian boy has as many as 50 metal sewing needles inside his body and a doctor treating the boy said they were apparently stuck there one by one. Surgeons hope to remove most of the needles — some as long as 5 cm, but some are stuck in his lungs and have to wait until the child's breathing improves. Some cannot be removed; they are too close to vital organs or actually inside them. The boy was living with his mother and stepfather and found unspecified items that could be used for black magic.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Twitter - Hacked !!

The message read:
Iranian Cyber Army
U.S.A. Think They Controlling And Managing Internet By Their Access,
But They Don’t, We Control And Manage Internet By Our Power,
So Do Not Try To Stimulation Iranian Peoples To….
Take Care.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009


my ma go to God house
get this amulet drink, bath water + stamped on t-shirt

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Fever - Medicated

>.08 Dec - fever 38.2'C
09 Dec - no more fever , flu coming + headache
10 Dec - force to took Uphamol 1tab
11 Dec - flu getting worst , took Panadol 1tab
12 Dec - flu worsen , nose & ears blocked ; took Carinox 2tab ( 1 bd ) RM1 each
13 Dec - ditto ; took TCM 75sen each

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Unable to get my regular BATA slipper, asadi now.
The Store SSU

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Artificial Virginity Hymen kit

Manufacturer's note on label:

"No more worry about losing your virginity. With this product, you can have your first night back anytime. Insert this artificial hymen into your vagina carefully. It will expand a little and make you feel tight. When your lover penetrate, it will ooze out a liquid that look like blood not too much but just the right amount. Add in a few moans and groans, you will pass through undetectable. Its easy to use, clinically proven non-toxic to human and has no side effects, no pain to use and no allergic reaction." Cost RM100.


Friday, October 2, 2009

Poe the Clydesdale

. Owner Shereen Thompson
Poe weighs 3000lb (1.5 tons), stands 10 feet tall with head raised, and consumes two bales of hay, 10lb of grain and 75 gallons of water each day. The huge Clydesdale used to work as a dray horse in London, Ontario, pulling a cart filled with crates of beer

Thursday, October 1, 2009

AGG2008 New Tyre

1 October 2009
Good Year CBT 14"
RM 135 x 2 FRT + Tubeless Vavle RM5 x 2
Total RM 280
@ Weng Cheong KKR
foc ice cream
foc mineral water 500ml

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Headscarf-ed Mannequins

Tehran – IRAN
Iranian police warned shopkeepers not to use mannequins without headscarves or which exposed body curves. Using unusual mannequins exposing the body curves and with the heads without Hijabs ( Tudung ) are prohibited to be used in the shops. Iranian police have stepped up a crackdown on both women and men, boutiques and small companies which fail to enforce strict religious dress codes.

Green Apple - Red Apple

Village of Colaton Raleigh, Devon - ENGLAND
Million to One.
Fruit grower Ken Morrish , 72, was left stunned when he found a golden delicious apple on his tree split exactly half green, half red down the middle. The fruit's striking colouring is thought to be caused by a random genetic mutation at odds of more than a million to one.

Biggest Baby

Medan , Indonesia

An Indonesian woman has given birth to an 8.7-kilogramme (19.2-pound) baby boy, delivered the child by C-section , the heaviest newborn ever recorded in the country. The baby boy is pictured here next to a baby of average size at a hospital. For those wondering if this baby boy is the heaviest newborn in history, the answer is no. The record belongs to an American infant born in 1879. He weighed 23 pounds, 12 ounces. Sadly, he died a few hours after being born.


Thursday, September 24, 2009

Dust Storms 2009 - Sydney & Queensland

23 Sept 2009
The vast dust clouds driven by violent storms that turned the skies of New South Wales and Queensland red. Weather forecasters are predicting another storm front for tomorrow, and warn that an emerging El Nino and land dehydrated by a decade of drought could produce a series of storms ripping topsoil from Australia's fragile interior. There have already been three large dust storms in the past three weeks in the region around South Australia's vast Lake Eyre - where much of yesterday's dust was generated - and last week clouds of granulated red earth were blown to New Zealand. The Bureau of Meteorology said this was one of the worst since the 1940s, when dust storms cloaked much of the continent's southeast and forced Adelaide to use street lighting in the middle of the day. NSW Environment Department measurements of particle pollution were 10 times the worst on record, at 4,164.

Smokey the Cat

22 Sep 09 - An Australian cat named Smokey survived 13 shots to the head from an air rifle and then found his way home. The nine-year-old moggy turned up on his owners' doorstep bleeding from his head last week, three days after he went missing from the family home in Maryborough, central Victoria. A medical examination revealed 13 pellets lodged in his head and face.

Monday, September 21, 2009

FOWL in the FLAT

Bukit Senjuang Flats - Jalan Bukit Senjuang , MELAKA

Yong Chin Teck , 40-year-old unemployed man transforming his flat into a poultry farm. Local councillors had a shock when they found him living with more than 50 chickens and ducks in his apartment on the second floor. Residents has complaining about the stench and noises coming from the man’s apartment. He did it once in 2006 but stopped following complaints made against him. He has been given two weeks to stop his poultry breeding and clean up his apartment. He decided to breed the chickens and ducks and sell them to villagers for Hari Raya. Each live bird was sold for RM10.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Tallest 2010 - Sultan Kosen

> A towering Turk was officially crowned the world's tallest man Thursday after his Ukrainian rival dropped out of the running by refusing to be measured. Guinness World Records said that 8 foot 1 inch (2.47 meter) Sultan Kosen, from the town of Mardin in eastern Turkey, is now officially the tallest man walking the planet. Although the previous record holder, Ukrainian Leonid Stadnyk, reportedly measured 8 feet 5.5 inches (2.57 meters), Guinness said he was stripped of his title when he declined to let anyone confirm his height.

BOB the Bull

Bachok - Kelantan
Malaysia’s biggest bull - standing 183cm , 1.5 tonnes
Bob, six-years-old , cannot find a mate that can withstand his frame, which is bigger than a mid-sized family saloon car. His owner tried to get him to mate twice, but both times, the cows died because their backs broke when he mounted them. Apart from sex, size presents other problems for Bob. The bull needed up to a minute to get up due to his weight.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Monday, August 24, 2009


Yellow + Pink
Found by William Underwood, 73
in his garden in Cavendish, Suffolk - ENGLAND

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Fish Tattoo

The Qingshiqiao pet shop - Chengdu , CHINA

PET shops in a city in southwest China are offering fish tattooed with patterns and lucky characters intended to bring their owners good fortune and happiness. The Qingshiqiao pet market in Chengdu sells a variety of ornamental "fortune fish" decorated with flowers, rainbows and characters. Tropical parrot fish are usually used for tattooing, lasers were used to tattoo the fish. An ordinary parrot fish sells for just 10 yuan ( RM6 ) while a tattooed one goes for at least 25 yuan ( RM 25 ) . A set of four fish tattooed with the characters for "Good Fortune," "Luck," "Long Life," and "Happiness" can cost 120 yuan ( RM72 ).

Miss Japan - Miss Universe 2009


Emiri Miyasaki , 25
Japan's finalist in the Miss Universe contest, has sparked national consternation over her chosen outfit of a black leather mini kimono that exposed her pink underwear.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Ancient Chinese Birth Gender Chart

This is an ancient Chinese Chart used to predict the sex of your unborn child, reportedly with a 99% accuracy. The Chart was buried in a tomb near Beijing for 700 years. The original is in the Institute of Science in Beijing.
B for Boy - G for Girl
1. First, take note of the woman's age during the time of conception
2. Add 1 to the age to adjust the calendar
3. Locate the result on the left-hand column of the calendar
4. Locate the month the baby was conceived across the top portion of the calendar

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Puppy Love

Odate -Japan
Named Love-kun

Sunday, July 26, 2009


Pet South America fair
Sao Paulo ; BRAZIL
A new sex doll for dogs presented at the Pet South America fair.
The doll's body, which comes in three sizes, includes a tube of K-9 lubricant

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Solar Eclipse 2009 - Asia

Solar eclipse seen in China's Chongqing
July 22, 2009 ; 9:16am
People said it bring BAD Luck !
i take it ...coz
7 days before ..... myvi rear windscreen broken
2 days before ..... bought wrong Airasia ticket - lost RM100
on the day .... G08 bulb blinking - need replacement
and coming .......

Virginity Certificate


South Africa

They came from all corners of the townships, dressed in colourful traditional Zulu regalia. They were confident and determined to undergo virginity testing, a controversial traditional ceremony of Zulu culture. The tests were conducted by the elderly women of the neighbourhood, known as Isigqi seSintu ,they hope will drastically reduce high levels of sexually-transmitted diseases and unwanted pregnancies. The girls ranged in age from as young as six years to those in their mid-20s. Rape is rife in this sprawling township of kwaPata. The mother of every girl tested pays R5 ( RM2.20 ). Every girl who obtains a certificate promises the testers that she will not sleep with a boy until marriage. If she breaks the promise, the group demands a cow to cleanse her and the girls who graduated with her. The girls are issued with certificates which read as follows:

"This is to certify that X has been tested and is a virgin. The nation is proud of you and it hopes that the more people who do this, the more we can bring down the levels of STDs, Aids and unwanted pregnancies."